Thursday, August 7, 2008

who am i?

Who Am I?

Who am I? Who are you?
Are you who you are?
Or are you who you are not?
Time and again we strive to please,
strive to move in, to merge with the crowd.
Time and again we put on a mask,
put on a new self, telling ourselves
who we are, or are not.
Confused, torn, schizophrenic, to some extent.
who are we really?
which mask is a mask, and which is not?
where is the real you?
where is the real me?

who am i?
Is it wrong, is it hypocritical, to make a mask who u are?
Is it going against nature?
i believe so.
The human nature presses, pushes, urges one on,
but to what end? To what consequence?
Why can't the mask replace who we are?
Isn't that the application of the only constant?
this mask of ours, of mine, is it who i am?
does it define my character, my personality, ME?

think on it.
who are you?
do you really know?
can you really say with all honesty?

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