Friday, January 29, 2010

ahh. emotional release.

walking down the lonely road
far into the silent night
the solitude, the solace of my own quite abode -
the depth of my heart

thinking of what never was,
of what was not meant to be,
with only the pale face of the moon for company.

how i wish i could freeze the picture
to ever traverse in limbo
cares all past, worries far away.
eternal bliss.

ahhh. i've totally lost my flair for this.
it's been way too long.
today german class ended with weird stuffs
concerning one's will and of poems and such.
i dunno man.
german lessons seem kinda..
yet i know i have much to do before i reach 'A' standard,
which is really pretty far at the moment.

i need some motivation.
i need some inspiration.
life is dreary, but it moves on.

the little i have, i must learn to cherish.
with those around me, with those who appreciate me.
regardless of manner, i believe i still matter to some people.

it's nice to feel appreciated, to feel wanted.
to feel like you belong.

i still long for one who could understand me,
who could connect with me.
one with whom i could express myself freely.
for that,
i will wait.

till then,
praise be to God :)

O Sacrifice of Calvary,
O Lamb whose sacred blood was shed,
O great High Priest on heaven's throne,
O Victor from the dead.
Here I recall your agony
Here see again your blood-stained brow
Beyond the sign of Bread and Wine
I know your presence now

No longer, Saviour, do yo plead
Your glorious sacrifice unique,
Yet Lord, in heaven intercede
While I your mercy seek.
Before your Holy Table laid
I kneel once more in love and peace,
Your Blood and Flesh my soul refresh
With joy that shall not cease.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

die welle

well i just watched Die Welle (The Wave in english)
It was a very sombre-ing movie.

go wiki it.
i really feel like saying more, but gotta chiong german now.


just came back like half an hour ago.
avatar was pretty awesome.

On one hand it was very much predictable, the classic epic with all its predictable ups and downs. There were very few surprises, but the graphics were nothing short of awesome. It was really realistic, delving into a foreign world of fantastic lights and nature.

Once again, there is that familiar recurring theme in most fantasy epics. Everything around is but an expression of balance and everything is connected to each other through nature. Strange enough, such a theme has found its way in various aspects of culture. It was a refreshing experience. They took an old clichéd theme and revamped it in lifelike graphics coupled with very ingenious art. Emotions surged at points where some characters died and all hope seemed to be lost. But, as expected, something changed, turning the whole story in the lead's favour. Some things never change xD

On the whole however, i feel that the movie was well worth it. finally got a chance to see it :)

that's all for now.
starting tmr i will officially start panicking for work to be done xD
goodnight :)

btw. this car is awesome.
still a concept xD

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


lol. i've been wasting the past two days.
playing wolfteam o.o
i'm 18 omg >.<

off to bed now :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010


oh mannnn.
the weekends are over.
i'm still so tired =/
tried to do coursework in church.
didn't do much :X
sch starting again tmr :(

Friday, January 22, 2010



Thursday, January 21, 2010


hahahaha yay.
done with coursework :))
now for some work with ramayana.
haha today's life page headlines:
The Ramayana's Reach.
was just doing it for GP heh.
hah this is crazy.
time between posts is so erratic.
2days got 4 posts o.o


doing coursework now.
notably more cheerful then last night, i guess :)

back to coursework.


i'm in school right now.
free internet free electricity.
okay maybe not, considering my disgusting school fees =/

supposed to do kursarbeit.
i don't think i can make it by today =/

k. bye.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


you know, now i'm feeling really tired.
and really really lethargic. i dunno why.
i have stuffs piling up.
but i don't seem to be doing anything about it.
it's only the end of second week of school =/
i feel weird. i dunno.
never felt like this before.
omg. i think this is stress.
maybe it's just laziness.
like omggggggg.
3 gp questions, COURSEWORK, proposals, MATH assgnmt, ARENES tut.
cmon =/
oh. and i hate my timetable too.
way too many free periods in between.
hmm. let's see.
monday, 4 blocks. sch end at 3.15 - 2 hr free
tuesday, 5 blocks, end at 3.15 - 3hr free
wednesday, 4+1 blocks , end at 1:30 (12.30 if no assembly) - 1hr free
thursday, 6 blocks, end at 4.10 - 3hr free
friday, 5 blocks, 3.15 - 3hr free

this was cute, go read.