Tuesday, September 10, 2013

rest well, yeye. see you again.

and so he passes...

what we've been expecting for weeks now has finally come. my grandfather has passed on, and is now in a better place. I was strangely unfeeling, as I watched his now-lifeless body on the bed. It wasn't until I tried to piece my last words to him that I teared up. "yeye, rest well." Finally he's done with all the medication, all the pain, all the discomfort and inconvenience. Finally, he rests.

though I can't say I knew him well, nor loved him as a grandson should, these past few months staying with him allowed me to spend much more time with him. In this time I did manage to interact much more with him and show him the love I should have showed when he was healthy. Cradling his head, holding his hand, these experiences are firmly etched in my memory.

cherish your loved ones while they still live

樹欲靜而風不止 子欲養而親不待

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