Friday, December 19, 2008


here i am.

maybe i shall not wirte in verses this time.

many things have happened since the 8th of december.
youth camp and my holiday trip to hongkong.

youth camp first.
well, youth camp, to say the least, was an experience.
with all the responsibilities and stresses to go with it.
i guess it was very enjoyable and meaningful to me
the one that left the greatest impression, was without doubt,
the dorm devotions.
since my dorm was one of group leaders and assistant leaders,
we did not follow the brochure and kept to sharings and stuffs.

Amos did a great job in helping all of us to open up,
to share our own feeling and opinions openly, without hesitation.
this forged a bond among us that pulled us closer together,
understanding and compromising each other according to whatever we needed.
this melded us together.
a really big thank you to Amos.
he taught us lessons of consistency and patience that would be remembered for a long time to come.
of that, i'm really appreciative.
but i hope i will continue, and not just experience a sprititual 'high' for this short period of time.
consistency, consistency.

ohkay next.
hongkong trip.
shopping, walking, eating.
that basically sums it all up.
i might try to upload a few pictures,
i really enjoyed my time theere.

now i'm in singapore.
waiting for christmas and the new year. and the cambodia painting wall job.


ps. thanks althea for posting =]

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