Friday, December 31, 2010

photo of the day

nice nice :)

lucas is finally in LA and has an internet connection :)

yes, i'm finally in LA after the longest thursday in my life. basically, today was... 39 hours long o.o time differences can kill! anyway, the plane ride was super duper awesome. sat business class before transit (6h), and economy class after transit (10-11h). my ipod really served me well as i watched 2 episodes of house and countless hours of music :)) but for a lot of the time, my face was merely glued to the window next to my seat. for the most part, i was so inspired and awestruck by the amazing views offered by the magical window seat :D

some thoughts i penned down during the flight:
I found another reason why I want to be a pilot. As I stared out the window of the plane, adoring the already wondrous sight, with the sun rising over the horizon and the endless carpet of white billows, I wondered, what would the view be like from the cockpit? to be looking far into the distance, absorbing the beautiful rays of the mighty sun as it shines over the grand carpet of clouds.
As the sun rose and its light shone upon the little icicles forming on the glass window, a myriad of colours burst forth thhrough the glistening ice formations, capturing my eyes as i tried to follow the changes of the bountiful colours. 
Even as I stare downwards at the clouds a good distance below, it seems strangely mystical. one observation: the cirrus (sp?) clouds have depth! that's not something you could ever see from way down below on the ground. you could see the revolving tunnels as the clouds spun in the air. the strange mingling of the transparency and opacity of the clouds just blew me away. 

as we touched down, we did a little walking here and there andddddddd. went to shop :) never had the power to shop like this before! bought so many things hahaha. and today's just the first day! awesome, right? anywayyyy. i'm gonna have to go off now, maybe i'll look around for another photo of the day later :D


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

photo(s) of the day

just found this website:

really interesting photography. i wish i could take pictures like these :X

 the first two photos just capture so many colours it's amazing. the cameras used are amazing :O

the last one is classic landscaping, with beautiful colours from the sky.



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

photo of the day

taken from

funny video - angry birds!

angry birds in the arab-israel conflict

hahaha this is golden, aside from the vulgaraties uttered ><

trying out!

hmm. maybe i'll try going to back to blogging again.
after all, with all the free time i have right now o.o